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Vindplaats:B 2.512 
Titel:Gandhi Marg  
Samenvatting: This special number of Gandhi Marg devoted to the theme of ‘peace education’ is based mainly on some selected contributions that emerged from two international conferences held in 1983. One of them was the meeting of the Peace Education Commission of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA), which was held in the course of the Tenth IPRA General Conference in Gyor, Hungary, from 28 August to 3 September and the other was an International CONFERENCE OF Peace Education in Adult Education and University held in Berlin from 5 to 9 September.  
Redactie: R.R.Diwakar, Mahendra Agrawal 
Uitgever: Gandhi Peace Foundation 
Jaar van uitgave: 1984 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:  
Ondertitel: 64 & 65 Monthly Journal of the Gandhi Peace Foundation Special Issue on Peace Education 
Aantal pagina's: 432 
Trefwoorden: Peace, Violence, Human Rights, Solidarity, Peace Movements, Ecological and Third -World Movement, Self-education, disarmament, adult-education