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Vindplaats:B 2.509 
Titel:Bringing Peace to People 
Samenvatting: Reports of the Six Discussion Groups of the Give Peace a Chance Trust conference University of Bradford. Museums for Peace. Meeting of Directors, Staff and Delegates from thirty-two peace museums and related institutions of Peace and Anti-War Museums and Related Institutions Worldwide. They were warmly welcomed by Professor James O’Connell, head of the Peace studies in Bradford to the first Peace Museums conference. Peter van Dungen the conference organiser end lecturer in Peace Studies at the University outlined the objectives of the conference. It is important to consider the purpose of a peace museum. Peace museums have started up in a variety of countries. Through the experts attending the conference it was hoped that valuable lessons would be learned.  
Uitgever: Give Peace a chance Trust 
Jaar van uitgave: 1992 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:  
Ondertitel: Bringing Peace toe People Towards a museum for Peace in the United Kingdom 
Aantal pagina's: 38 
Trefwoorden: Peace, Museum, history,netwotk, statement of intent