over Kurdistan
Kurdischer Roter Halbmond: Flucht ins Elend der Städte, 1997
2. Kurdischer Roter Halbmond :War and health in Kurdistan , results of
the socio- medical conference, 1997
3. Ismail Beçikçi e.a. Kemalisme, Turkse wetenschapsbeoefening en de Koerdische
kwestie, 1998
4. Susan Meiselas : Koerdistan in de schaduw van de geschiedenis, Nederlands
fotoinstituut, 1998
5. Haluk Gerger: Crisis in Turkey, Mera Amsterdam, 1997
6. Kurdish Human Rights Project: Freedom of thought, conscience, religion
and expression.
7. Kurdish Human Rights Project: Turkey and the European Convention on
Human Rights, 2000
8. Kurdish Human Rights Project: Newsline, maandelijkse uitgave
9. Kurdish Human Rights Project: The destruction of villages in South
-East Turkey, 1996
10 Kurdish Human Rights Project: Freedom of association, Law and practice
in Turkey, 1998
11. Kurdish Human Rights project: The Ilisu Dam , a human rights disaster
in the making, 1999
12. Kurdish Human Rights Project : Peace is not difficult, 2000
13. Kurdish Human Rights Project: Policing Human Rights abuses in Turkey,
Halkin Demokrasi Partisi (democratische Partij van het volk)
IHD lnsan Haklari Gergesi (Mensenrechtenvereniging)
PKK Partiya Karkeren Kurdstan (Koerdische Arbeiderspartij)
GOÇ-DER Göç Edenier Sosyal Yardimlasma ve Kúltür Dernegii (Belangenvereniging
van interne vluchtelingen)
CIBO Cizera Botan ( Hulp aan Koerdische moeders en kinderen)
SES Saglik ve Sosyal Hizmet Emekcileri Sendikasi (vakbond gezondheidswerkers)