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Vindplaats:B 6.18 
Titel:Perspectives in Afro-German Relations 
Auteur: Samensteller Dieter Bielenstein 
Samenvatting: The time arrived for us to prepare an accurate balance-sheet of Afro-German relations and at the same time to face up squarely to controversial topics. With this aim in mind,i.e. an auditing of accounts and a methodical shifting and candid discussion not only of areas of political agreement but also of differences of opinion, that the Conference on "Perspectives of African-German-Relations" was held in Bonn from 8th to 10th October 1975 and attended by leading politicians including numerous cabinet members in the various governments, representatives of trade and industry, scientists and journalists from 16 African countries as well as from the Federal Republic of Germany and five international organisations. The range of delegates represented a cross-section of the shades of political opinion in the states concerned and the viewpoints held by individual speakers of high rank and office. However, it was neither the aim nor the wish of the organisers to make the Conference an inter-governmental event due consideration for the views of all nations and all governments. Our book reproduces the papers and prepared speeches delivered at the Conference. It also contains a number of speeches whose texts were submitted to the Conference in writing and discussed but whose actual verbal presentation was not possible as the speakers were, at the last moment, unable to come. All the data and facts quoted refer to october 1975. The publication of the book accords with the express wish and recommendation of the participants in the Conference so as to make the views and results of the Conference more widely known among the general public. 
Uitgever: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 
Jaar van uitgave: 1975 
Taal: Engels  
Aantal aanwezig:
Opmerkingen: In Archief. Er staan 5 tabellen in het boek en een paar overzichten. 
Aantal pagina's: 241 
Trefwoorden: Afrika, Duitsland, Helmut Schmidt, politiek, Conventie van Lomé, economie, internationale samenwerking, buitenlandse investeringen, ontwikkelingsproblematiek, industrie, grondstoffen, ACP, EEG,