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Vindplaats:B 1.11 
Titel:The Power of the Media 
Samenvatting: When soldiers or rebels of one sort or another seize the reins of power, they generally secure their positions by grabbing control of the broadcast media. Equally, when leaders want to manipulate the perceptions of a population, they do it through the media. Over the centuries, the media has proved a powerful tool in support of terror, violence, and destruction. But fortunately the opposite is also true; it has enormous positive potential. This book builds on an existing body of research and on our experience of the role that media can play in peacebuilding. It provides a set of guidelines on the processes which make media interventions in a conflict effective and sustainable. An operational framework for utilising media in peacebuilding activities is tested on several projects worldwide. The book illustrates best practices and lessons learned in media projects such as radio and televisions programming, training and transitional journalism development and intended outcome programming. A directory with 68 profiles of organisations working in this field worldwide is included as well as a selection of key literature and reports, websites and audio-visual productions. 
Redactie: Ross Howard, Juliette Verhoeven, e.a. 
Uitgever: IMPACS e.a. 
Jaar van uitgave: 2003 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
ISBN/ISSN: 90-77145-02-8 
Ondertitel: A Handbook for Peacebuilders 
Foto's: diverse zwart/wit 
Aantal pagina's: 245 
Trefwoorden: media, radio, televisie, websites, internet, audio-visuele producties, ase studies, Afghanistan, Benin, Cambodia, Centraal Azië, Colombia, DR Congo, Indonesië, Kenia, Macedonië, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Armenië, Oostenrijk, België, Canada, Costa Rica, Tsjechië, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Kosovo, Duitsland, Ghana, Hongarije, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibië, Nepal, Nederland, Nigeria, Noorwegen, Pakistan, Peru, Philippijnen, Singapoer, Zuid Afrika, Zwitserland, Oeganda, Groot Brittannië, USA, Zambia,